video / audio


Whether you are expanding your Digital Portal via Courses, a Monthly Membership, or Youtube Videos (or all 3!) — 
 clean, concise audio & videos elevate the quality of your portal & the experience of your viewers.
  • Packaging up your expertise, unique perspective & lived experience into a digital course is one of the most magical ways to give back to your community or to create passive income.

    Paired with a Repurposed Clip Package, and your course will market itself!

  • Memberships expand your Digital Portal while creating an intimate container to interact, bond & connect with your community.

  • YouTube is the second largest search engine, & many people prefer watching a podcast to only listening.

    Recording yourself recording your podcast episodes (or any long-form audio content) and posting them on Youtube allows you to:

    • serve more of your audience in their preferred learning style

    • increase your visibility

    • expand your Digital Portal

How It Flows

After you submit an enquiry form, we'll chat about your preferences & desires when it comes to your videos as well as the level of support you are looking for✨ I’ll create a customized package for you, and send over it over to be modified & approved.

A base video editing package looks like:

  • Matching mic audio to video
  • Trimming intro & outro
  • Fade in & fade out
  • Cleaning up audio
  • Long pauses taken out / silenced 
  • Personalized end screen
  • Uploaded to host platform with thumbnail
  • Uploaded backups to preferred backup platform

With available add-ons:

  • Transcribed videos (on screen / pdf document)
  • Short-form clips
  • Thumbnail creation

Wanna talk about your project?